Qurio means being curious about facts, your community & the world. This is the beginning of our new journey.
Continue reading “This is Qurio”This is Qurio

Qurio means being curious about facts, your community & the world. This is the beginning of our new journey.
Continue reading “This is Qurio”At the intersection of tech, media, and democracy
Continue reading “Building a team where engineers work side by side with journalists”This post was originally published on Medium.
When I started writing this article I felt that each word brought the next one like a chain unraveling inside my Google Docs (please excuse me, otherwise fascinating Medium editor!). To be honest, I shouldn’t be that surprised, since I’ve been thinking a lot about what you are about to read for quite some time before I finally sat down and put them into (digital) paper.
Continue reading “Local newsrooms are pillars of a local community, they should act more like that”How it all started and where it’s, hopefully, going
Continue reading “Introducing Project EPSILON: an engagement platform for local newsrooms”